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Insurmountable Page 4

  “I don’t believe that.” Her gaze held mine, daring me to refute her statement.

  I ended up being the first one to look away. I found her chest and gave it the perusal I’d wanted to since she first said something. Her breasts were round and about a hand full. If it hadn’t been so dark would I have seen her nipples hard and firm in anticipation of my touch? I had to dump ice water on both of us. “Yes you do. You’re instincts are spot on. I’m not into girlfriends.”

  I moved to turn but she quickly asked, “What about Camille?”

  I let loose a cold laugh that should have sent a chilly breeze her way. “Camille understood me and it was fun. But she was never my girlfriend.”

  “What if I said I didn’t want a boyfriend?” Her retort came like a snap of a rubber band.

  “I’d call bullshit.” I glared at her, needing her to back down and back off. The fact that I remained to verbally spar with her said that she had me. And I couldn’t have that.

  “Try me.” Her challenge was as good as accepted. Fuck.

  “You want me to screw you?” Literally and physically, I didn’t add. “All you had to do was ask.” I reached for her but she stepped back. “I didn’t think so.”

  “No.” There was a determination on her face as her chin lifted stubbornly. “You’re so good at talking girls into bed. Use your charm on me.”

  “I have nothing to prove. Hell, you’re practically panting.” I let me gaze fall to her heaving chest to make a point. “I bet you’re already wet for me.” If I’d hoped my vulgar words would dissuade her, I was wrong.

  Obstinately, she said, “I dare you to find out.”

  I was going to hell. I took a step forward and she parried, taking one back. “No, not tonight. You take me out and convince me to sleep with you.”

  Shocked, I chuckled. “You’re daring me to take you out on a date.” I laughed again. “I don’t date, Biscuit. I don’t have to work hard for pussy.”

  “And I don’t do one night stands but we both know that we are attracted to each other. You can pretend otherwise, but I’m putting it out there. I’m willing to try it your way and get you out of my system. But you have to try things my way too. I’m not going to just sleep with you.”

  I tapped a finger to my cheek. “So I have to buy you dinner and take you to the movies before we can get this out of our systems?’

  When she folded her arms, her tits lifted and damn it I didn’t want to touch them. And what the fuck? I’d never actually paid for it before.

  “And don’t get that look on your face.” Her eyes narrowed. “I’m not a hooker. You’re taking me out on a date, and if we have sex after that’s a bonus.”

  “Let me get this straight. You’re forcing me out on a date that I don’t want, but you won’t guarantee sex, which I do want.”

  “You’re the player. Sex comes easily to you, remember? So this should be a sure thing in your mind.”

  I called her bluff and mine too. “Fine. Tomorrow night. My place at eight.” I knew that I should go to her dorm and pick her up. “This is your dare. You show up and let me know if you are truly up for the challenge. And if you come…” I lifted my eyebrows. I wanted her to know this part was important. “Tell you’re roommate you won’t be coming back after.”

  I winked at her and stalked off, leaving her to think about my challenge. I shifted my dick in my pants. She had me so hard, it was painful. I’d never had a girl goad me into to taking her out. I’d been on a date or two when my mother had pulled the strings. But it had always been a formality. I wasn’t sure how to act on this date. She wanted me to convince her to have sex with me when she knew exactly what I’d be up to. I shook my head. I knew things weren’t going to be easy with her the first time I saw her. I could only hope she didn’t show up the next night. I’d be disappointed, but I would be safe from her.


  Unfortunately for me, she did show up, Buffy the Vampire Slayer-like, all sexy, with a dangerous look in her eye. I was toast. It didn’t help that she wore tight jeans and a dark top that plunged low but not low enough. I was slack-jawed. Over top, smartly, she wore a light jacket because the weather was heading away from the hint of spring back to true winter.

  “Hi,” she said shyly, biting her lip again.

  I ground my teeth when I spied the tiny cross that hung from the chain around her neck. What the hell, did she honestly think me a vampire trying to lure her out of her clothes? Damn, vampires were making a comeback in the movies and TV. Women everywhere were in love with one or another of the fictional beings.

  Focusing on her blues eyes, I answered, “Hey.” I gave her another once-over before I asked, “You ready?”

  She nodded. And I thought about how she had practically hidden herself under layers of clothes trying not giving me any access. She was making this hard, and fuck me, I was hard nevertheless. Her fitted jeans finally gave me a view of her curves. Little did she know that just because she wasn’t wearing a dress didn’t mean I couldn’t get under her skin.

  “My car is in the lot this way.” I held out a hand to indicate the direction and let it fall to the small of her back when she turned in that direction.

  After closing the door behind me, we walked the short distance to the parking lot. She didn’t bat an eye when I opened the door to my Ghibli Maserati. She sat in the red leather seat and I thought it apt her being there. Her expectation was that I would blow through this date and pounce on her like a tiger on its prey. My plan was more subtle. I would win this little game and she wouldn’t know what hit her.

  Smoothly, I pulled out on the road and turned on a satellite radio station to play in the background.

  I decided to start the conversation easy. I did have something I wanted to know. “Can you tell me why the blonde dumped my friend?”

  Fiery eyes turned in my direction. I kept my eyes straight but caught the view from my periphery. “The blonde has a name. It’s Penelope.”

  My ploy worked. I just needed her to tell me her name. “Penelope,” I repeated. “Why she’d dump Gavin?”

  “Who said she did the dumping?”

  Had I come to the wrong conclusion? Gavin looked ruined but he wasn’t talking.

  “Biscuit,” I said again, hoping to get a rise out of her.

  She held up a hand. “This question probably should have come sooner, but I’m curious. Why is it now you want to talk to me? I’ve passed by you a number of times these last three years and you haven’t ever glanced my way.”

  It was like I was caught with my pants down, embarrassment colored my face. I opened my mouth to speak, but the cotton white of her eyes held a note of disapproval, preventing me from interrupting her. I focused back on the road.

  “I’ve watched you prey on the willing and never once have you had a girlfriend. I’m not a one night stand walking. This dare was dumb. You’re wasting your time trying to get in my pants simply because I’m the one girl unwilling to give you the time of day.”

  Properly chastised, I still felt slightly smug that she’d been watching me all this time. “I’m not sure how I didn’t notice you before,” I admitted. “You’re like Odysseus’s siren.” What I didn’t say was that she had called to me the first time I’d noticed her. I’d been unable to think about anyone except her since I met her. She invaded my thoughts even when I’d been with Camille.

  Her laugh was dry. “Yeah, now that your French girlfriend is gone. Nice line by the way. Original. Are you an English major?”

  “No, I’m not an English major. And I already told you that she wasn’t my girlfriend. And… that wasn’t a line,” I snapped, realizing too late that somewhere along the way it had become important what she thought of me.

  Something else struck me. I didn’t think that compliments would break her impenetrable shell. Honesty was the key with a girl like her. “It’s been you since that first night. You haven’t been the only one watching, because I’ve been watching you.”

�d already said too much, giving my hand away in this game. Yet I found myself lost on an island of need, peering through a telescope, searching for that one blinking light of old to let me know when a ship was approaching. She was that ship destined to save me… or wreck me. I could feel fate overtake me. No woman had ever made me want the way she did. I didn’t love her, mostly because I didn’t know her yet. And finally, I had to admit to myself that I longed to know her in a way that was painful and bone deep. Her dare had only spurred me into the action I’d wanted to take. And I hoped at the end of this game, I could walk away unscathed.

  “I know when you’re frustrated beyond measure, you pinch the bridge of your nose.” She shifted in her seat in response to my words. I continued, pressing my advantage. “I know you like to be on time. I’ve watched you a time or two at the top of the hour jogging to a class that was within a few minutes of starting.”

  Her hand lifted to her mouth then dropped back to her lap. I had an unobstructed view of her lovely face, before I snapped my attention back to the road before I killed us both.

  “I know you keep one side of your hair tucked behind your ear to reveal a tiny hoop earring pierced halfway down the curve of your ear. The piercing is most likely an act of defiance against your traditionally-minded parents. And you reveal it to show you are your own person. But it’s the other side of your hair that you allow loose, to shadow and hide you, that is so telling. There is a part of you that’s shy and doesn’t want to be seen at the same time.”

  While she sat dumbstruck, I reached out with my hand and allowed myself the touch of her cheek before brushing the hair to secure it behind the other naked ear.

  “You shouldn’t hide a face so lovely as yours.”

  She bit her lip and I allowed my hand to drop to take the wheel again. The light changed and I pulled into a main road. There wouldn’t be any more touching until we made it to the theatre.

  Her voice came out hesitant and nervous. “My name is Reagan. Some of my friends call me Rae.”

  And there it was. I’d won this round, yet I didn’t gloat with victory. “Can I call you Rae?” I asked. I didn’t see her expression. A guy in a death trap rumbled beside my car, weaving some, drawing my attention. I slowed, letting him pass.

  Her voice was stronger when she spoke. “Not yet. But if you want to get to know me, I’ll stop fighting it.”

  A quick glance in her direction let me catch the pleading in her eyes. She wanted to trust me. And I knew that if I went down this path it shouldn’t be for a quick shag.

  “We’re headed to the movies,” I announced a little late. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  “No, it’s cool. It feels like forever since I’ve left campus.” She laughed a little. “Except for the bar and….” She didn’t need to mention the drunken night at the underground fight.

  Surprisingly, when we stood under the marquee to decide what to watch, she wasn’t choosy. We ended up watching a franchise movie with a lot of action along with some funny moments.

  With limited restaurant options afterwards, we sat in a popular food chain, eating mediocre food, which was surprisingly good, though not great as I’d eaten in my lifetime at some of the top restaurants on the east coast.

  “You look surprised,” she commented.

  “I am. I wasn’t expecting much but it tastes better than I thought.” I indicated the half of a steak left on my plate.

  “It is good.” She’d ordered steak as well.

  “I’m more surprised by your choice of movie.”

  “What’s wrong with X-Men?”

  “Nothing,” I replied.

  “Oh, I see. You thought I’d drag you into a romance movie or romantic comedy.”

  I shrugged, unable to deny that.

  Her eyes were full of mischief but I let my gaze fall to her lips as she spoke. “I’m not that selfish, or have a need to show my feminine power by daring you to go to a movie you wouldn’t enjoy. Besides, I love superhero movies.”

  “What’s not to love about action heroes? But I don’t have a problem with romantic comedies.”


  I cut into the steak as I spoke. “Yeah. For example I liked Bridesmaids. In fact, I thought it was a hell of a lot funnier than The Hangover.”

  “That movie was hilarious.” She paused. “Can I ask you a question?”

  By her tone, I wasn’t sure if I was. I nodded.

  “You have a British accent, yet your mannerisms and certain things you say are all American.”

  In the past, I would have deflected the question, not wanting to reveal myself. With her, I wanted to be honest and share. “I was born here and attended school here until secondary. That’s when I was sent to an English school near where my mother’s sister lives. Holidays and summers, I spent here at home. With so much time there, my accent changed.” I shrugged. “I’ve been back long enough to pick up on you Americans’ slang habits.”

  She laughed, and it was good. Her red stained lips had my cock throbbing. I did a gut check because I was getting the feeling that for once I wanted to know the woman, not just possess her.

  I threw the ball in her court. “How about you?”

  “I grew up here of course with my mom and step-dad. And that’s about it.”

  So much for sharing. It was something but I knew it didn’t scratch the surface. Yet, I had my own secrets about my family, though I realized that if she asked I would tell her. So for now, I kept silent, not pressing her for more information.

  After dinner, I purposely parked in the lot attached to the townhouses. I steered her past my door and began the long hike across campus. I knew she was shocked, based on my statement the night before that I had assumed she would end up in my bed. And I could have driven her to her dorm, knowing that wasn’t in my plan. But selfishly, even though I’d decided to not go for sex like she anticipated, I still didn’t want the night to end so quickly.

  At her door, she turned unfathomable eyes on me. She leaned against it as it stood gaping open, letting a wealth of warm air shake off the chill that had returned to remind us that it was in fact still winter.

  “I had a good night.” She glanced down, her shyness returning.

  I shoved my hands in my pockets, fearing what they might do on their own. I didn’t want to go there, no matter what other parts of me wanted.

  “Goodnight,” I offered as I began a backwards walk away.

  “I’m surprised.”

  “What?” I paused.

  “You’re not going to try, are you?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe this is me making my move.” I felt the smirk return because she was puzzled by my actions, and I liked it.

  “You’re not going to at least kiss me?” Just when I thought I pegged her, she surprised me.

  Her expression dared me as she stood waiting. I moved forward, taking my hands out of my front pockets and shoving them in my back. If she tasted as good as she looked, I might reach out to use one of the other five senses: touch. “What? You think I won’t? I’m dying to know what you taste like.”

  Her eyes flashed, but the lips on her face weren’t all that I was referring to. I stepped in to lean down as she lifted on her toes reminding of how tiny she really was. My hair, which had grown too long, fell in front of my eyes, but I kept my hands in place. I pressed my lips to hers. They were warm and when I snaked out my tongue, I got a burst of flavor. She tasted sweet like wild strawberries, and my dick jerked. When I moved within a couple of inches, I pulled back, not trusting myself. When I went there, she’d beg me.

  “Goodnight,” I said, and once again took tentative steps backwards.

  “You’re not going to tell me what I taste like?”

  “I will if you come sailing with me tomorrow.”


  “Yes, sailing. Didn’t you know that our school is number two in the country in sailing?”

  I’d surprised her again, and she grinned.

  “Meet m
e at the dock at seven in the morning.”

  She frowned.

  “Seven,” I said again. “Otherwise I’ll know this didn’t work out for you and I’ll leave you alone.”

  I spun on my heels and strode away not wanting her answer. I would bet my parents’ fortune that I’d won this round.


  Seven had come and gone. I was in the process of releasing the last of the ropes where I’d temporarily docked my boat when a dot of red flagged me down from a distance while running towards me.

  “Sorry I’m late. I thought I missed you.”

  “Almost,” I said nonchalantly, holding out a hand to help her on board.

  Once she was on board, I raised the mainsail with the halyard before casting off, with my good mood intact. The weather had been chaotic the last few weeks, with highs and lows out of the normal range. Today, it played nice and there was a promise of abnormal warmth.

  I moved about, leaving her to wonder what my mood was. She headed forward and sat on a bench in the bow. Into the open bay, I manned the wheel until I found a quiet spot to drop anchor. I dropped the halyards and cruised to a stop before I did so.

  She stood and I took in her white shorts and white button-down shirt with sleeves rolled up to her elbows. “It’s pretty out here.”

  “From where I’m standing it is.”

  The sky may have been painted with even blue strokes with no hint of anything to mar the color. But it was the red of her lips that held all my attention. “Are you hungry?”

  She appeared thoughtful for a moment. “I guess I am.”

  Before I betrayed my need to kiss her again, I headed to the cabin below and brought out the blanket and basket of food I’d stowed earlier. Red helped me spread out the blanket. Her grin was infectious and I found myself smiling too. She sat patiently while I pulled out a breakfast of fresh strawberries, grapes and pineapples. Then I pulled out two individual containers of plain Greek yogurt to dip with.

  “Mmm, nice. I would have never pegged you for a yogurt guy.”